Most women will spend their 40’s and 50’s endlessly working to get their bodies smaller instead of making their lives bigger….will YOU?

Start living boldly in the body that you have NOW instead of living for the body you WISH you had!

Hey, there!
Megan Hadley Dietitian Nutritionist who helps high achieving women in peri-menopause  with nutrition

I am so glad that you are here!

Are you someone who has tried a lot of things over the years to change your body and you are a bit tired and frustrated? Or perhaps starting in your late 30’s/early 40’s your body suddenly started changing and the things that “worked” in the past aren’t working anymore and you are finding these changes distressing…to say the least. Or maybe BOTH of these things are you.

You are in the right place.

What if you could stress and obsess less about food and what your body looks like so that you can enjoy your life more, be healthy, feel more confident, and make a bigger impact at work and at home?

I understand what it is like to experience weight gain and body changes that seemingly happen over night. All of a sudden you don’t recognize your own body anymore and the changes are uncomfortable. Like, physically uncomfortable AND emotionally uncomfortable.

Also…wasn’t this stuff supposed to start happening later in life?!?

AND I understand that you and I don’t have to spend these important decades of our lives ceaselessly trying to get or keep our bodies smaller.

Stuff does change, we need different approaches to nutrition, movement and our bodies in this stage of our life, but it doesn’t have to be exhausting or complicated… because I have important $h*t to do, and I bet you do too!

You CAN experience more confidence in your body and less stress when it comes nutrition and taking care of yourself WITHOUT exhausting food rules or complicated plans and I’d love to show you how!

How can I help you?

Group Coaching

Transform your relationship with food and your body along side other women business owners and leaders so that you can stop stressing and start feeling more confident.

Individual Coaching

Dig deep into your specific challenges when it comes to food and the way that you feel about your body through this high touch coaching experience with Megan.

Nutrition for women in perimenopause weight gain

Free Masterclass

This free masterclass covers the four steps that are essential to work through to take a different approach to nutrition and your health in your 40’s.

  • “If you are looking for relief from the feelings of being ashamed of your body or struggling with feeling restricted around food, if this is your year to finally be set free, I highly recommend working with Megan.”


  • “I can't say enough about Megan. I'm 35 years old and have struggled with my food, weight, and body image for years. Megan has helped me experience freedom with food, my weight and body image. I am so grateful for her and the work she does. Her work has been instrumental in creating true change that allows me to have freedom with food and I no longer feel as if I am in a daily battle.”


  • For years I've considered foor as good and bad and judged myself accordingly. I am so thankful that Megan has allowed me to see nutrition thruogh a different lens. I feel free of the old way of thinking and alvie and appreciateive of the freedom I've found in food. I can enjoy all foods and nothing is off limits! Thank you Megan for helping me to restructure my distorted thoughts and replace them with acceptance of who I am regardles of how I look.


  • I would highly recommend this to anyone who is tired of suffering in any way around body image and/or food issues. This is definitely some of the best money I have ever spent!


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