Becoming Body Confident


8-week nutrition and body confidence coaching program for women in their 40’s

Most women will spend their 40’s and 50’s endlessly working to get their bodies smaller instead of making their lives bigger….will YOU?

You can live boldly in the body that you have NOW instead of living for the body you WISH you had!

I want you to live a life that feels more at peace with food and your body.

I want you to enjoy food, not count it.

I want you to connect with the friend across the table and not be distracted by tracking points (calories/carbs etc) in your head.

I want you to feel less insecure about your body so you aren’t thinking about it so much when you are trying to enjoy yourself.

I want the scale to not affect your mood.

I want movement (exercise) to feel fun.

I want you to dream about living IN your body, not dream ABOUT what your body will look like.

I want you to feel connected to and confident in the wisdom that your body holds instead of feeling like you can’t trust it.

I want you to enjoy life more.

When women aren’t having to spend so much time on food and their body, they show up in their lives more confidently and it has a significant impact on the world!

They speak up more.

They go after the promotion.

They level up their businesses.

They stop hiding themselves.

They get on the stage.

They empower because they feel empowered.

They set other women free.

They raise kids who have good body image.

And it keeps going!

And this is why I created this group coaching program. Because women have a unique ability to inspire and empower one another.

And when women inspire one another to expand instead of shrink themselves, the life results are incredible…for all of us.

Hi, I’m Meg!

I’ll never forget the day that the way I saw my body changed forever. I spent most of my life disliking certain parts of my body and after my first child was born, one of those parts was massacred with wide purple stretch marks and it was in that moment that I would have given anything to have the body back that I spent years disliking before.

That was when I realized that it will always be this way. The problem was not my body, the problem was the filter I used to see my body and my expectations around what it should look like.

As long as I kept looking at it that way, I would NEVER be ok with my body.

This filter also made food much more complicated than it needed to be.

When I was able to relax about both, a tremendous amount of joy reentered my life!

Now I use my Masters in Nutrition, my background as a registered dietitian, and my many years of experience working with women to improve their relationship with food and body to help you experience more confidence, well-being and enjoyment of life through my group coaching program Becoming Body Confident.


“I wanted to stop hating myself, beating myself up in regards to weight, diet, etc. I wanted help realizing that I am healthy and should love myself the way I am. I did want to lose weight, but eventually came to realize that it was way more than just losing weight. It was about accepting and being comfortable where I was as a healthy 41 year old.

In just a short amount of time, this program really helped me start to enjoy things more than I was allowing myself. I learned not to restrict myself all of the time and allow myself the joys of certain foods that I was avoiding for fear of 'gaining weight'. In the past, I would punish myself the next day with vigorous exercise and self-shaming. I have really learned to let go of some of these behaviors that were instilled years and years ago. As for my body image, I think Megan really opened my eyes to the things that were harming my body image.

I have already recommended this program to many of my friends. It truly is amazing but also heartbreaking to know how many females in my life suffer from the same issues regarding societal pressure to look a certain way a woman. I have already shared with friends how this has really changed my life for the better. I have and would recommend this program to anyone who experiences self-degrading, loathing, feelings regarding his/her body and wants to feel happy and content in his/her own skin. This is for anyone who wants to enjoy foods and not feel guilty because food is a gift.”

Every woman has a time in her life when she decides that enough is enough. She is no longer going to let food and body take up so much of her energy and time.

When will it be your time?

If now is your time, I invite you to join this 8-week virtual group coaching program with other women who have made this decision right along side you.

What we will cover together:

  • Why common beliefs about food and body are not helping you and might be keeping you stuck and stressed.

  • Shouldn’t I be thinner for my health? Why conflating thinness and health may actually make maintaining a consistent weight difficult.

  • Ya, but I still don’t like my body.

    Knowing that thinner isn’t always healthier doesn’t necessarily change the way you feel about your body. Let’s talk about what actually does.

  • Can I ever feel better in THIS body?

    Strategies you can implement that will change the way you see your body.

  • If I’m not following a plan, then how should I eat?

    How to tap into the wisdom of your body to know the right way to eat for YOU.

  • Nutrition for this stage of life.

    Learn what ACTUALLY matters and what does not and how to approach food with joy and sustainability (which matters for your health!)

  • Movement (exercise).

    Your body has changed and the kind of movement it needs has changed too. The keys to moving regularly (even if you are allergic to exercise).

  • They said what?!?

    Boundary setting and where to go from here.

Each virtual weekly session will be 1.5 hours and will include a lesson, activities, processing, learning, and discussion. All sessions are lead by me (Meg!) in a compassionate, non-judgmental environment. We will meet each person’s needs for a supportive space to learn, grow and share by creating group guidelines together. All “course material” happens during live sessions, so there is no coursework to keep up with between sessions (I know you are busy!), but there are experiential activities to do on your own in between sessions, these are super interesting and fun and often observational in nature.

Group sizes are kept small, 4-7 women.

Sessions are held weekly for 1.5 hours and recordings will be made available to participants after if you can’t make it.

After participating in Becoming Body Confident you can expect to:

  • Feel relieved from constantly thinking about food and your weight

  • Know what nutrition info matters and what doesn’t so you can cut through all the noise

  • Access the wisdom your body holds about how to nourish it well so that you can feel your best

  • Never need a diet or exhausting eating plan again

  • Experience more confidence in your body

  • Reframe exercise and be able to identify what kind of exercise is for you in this stage of life (and beyond!).

  • Understand what healthy is for YOU

  • Feel released of a burden you didn’t know you were carrying

Fee for the 8 week group: $1800 paid in full or three months at $600/month or 4 months at $450 per month.

Enrollment is currently closed for BBC. If you would like to be the first to know when enrollment opens again, please add yourself to the waitlist. *** Because these groups are very small, I may be able to fill the next group from the waitlist alone-so if you are interested, please add yourself!

Have questions or just want to connect with a live human before investing?

Click here to schedule a free chat with me

Or send me an email:

What client’s say about working with me


I went to the beach this past weekend, and, instead of spending the whole time thinking about what other people were thinking about me and thinking - who do I think I am, wearing a two-piece - and whether my thighs were jiggling when I walked, I thought - when a 51-year-old woman walks, this is what the body does, this is what a realistic woman’s body actually looks like.  This is realistic, because it is me!!

I have found so much peace and love inside of this group.  The women are so supportive and kind.  We are all struggling, in our own ways, but we come together, in a safe, non-judgmental container. I feel so lucky to have found this group.  I promised myself I would work towards my goal, but that didn’t mean I thought it could actually happen.  And without this group, I think this would have just been another year of hating my body and wishing it was different.  If you are looking for relief from the feelings of being ashamed of your body or struggling with feeling restricted around food, if this is your year to finally be set free, I highly recommend Meg’s group.“


“It honestly broke open a whole new world of growth for me in my therapy work. And I appreciated so much just having the space to process with you all the different things I’ve heard coming from all these different directions about food and nutrition and fitness and “health,” and trying to actually boil all of that down into something manageable and realistic, that I feel like I can navigate without getting so overwhelmed and feeling like I’m not taking care of myself. Seriously, there has been some major growth work in the past month. I’ve already recommended you to like three different people. I’m in such a different place mentally than I was before we spoke and I’m just so grateful to you for the work that you do. I am glad that I can continue following you on social media. Your IG posts are the best.”


 “I can’t say enough about Megan. I’m 35 years old and have struggled with my food, weight and body image for years. Megan has helped me experience freedom with food, my weight and body image. I am so grateful for her and the work she does. Her work has been instrumental in creating true change that allows me to have freedom with food and I no longer feel as if I am in a daily battle.”


  • I keep the group sizes small, 4-6 women and it is a closed group.

  • Yes! I offer monthly payment plans at no additional cost, usually at $450/month for 4 months for my early birds and $600/3 months. You should see options available to you where you register on this page.

  • Most women that do this work wish their body looked different, and that different often includes smaller. While I hold space for that desire with great compassion, the purpose of this program is not weight loss but body confidence. It is impossible to become confident in a body that you are constantly trying to “fix.”

  • This program is for you if what you have read so far lights you up!

    The women that are best suited for this program are women who understand the importance of investing in themselves and acknowledge that they are the most important asset to their work and home life.

    You have invested in developing yourself and/or your business through coaching and/or therapy and are beginning to recognize you have work to do with your relationship with food and your body.

    You show signs of struggling with body image like: feeling cringy when you see yourself in photos, rarely walking past a mirror without feeling bad about the way you look, feeling self conscious in front of an audience (big or small) because of the way you feel about your body, you dream about losing weight and________ (the new clothes you will buy, the way you will feel on stage, the brand photos you will get, the trip you will go on, that you will find love, put on a bikini etc.).

  • This program is NOT for you if:

    You don’t think twice about your body, as a matter of fact, you think you look pretty darn good, you wouldn’t change a thing!

    You feel totally confident all the time in what, when and how much you should eat.

    You don’t believe that systems of oppression like racism exist and have a significant impact on the wellbeing of people.

    You have an active eating disorder and you don’t have a care team in place that includes a registered dietitian supporting you already.

  • I agree, Becoming Body Confident IS an investment. When you invest in BBC, you get a very small group of other very invested women. And when I get to keep groups small, I am able to give more of my attention and my many years of experience to each of you in the group. You won’t be just a face in a crowd, you will be known by me and by the others in the group. Some groups I have run have resulted in relationships that have been maintained by group members years later.