Hi, I’m Meg!
Meg Hadley nutritionist dietitian who helps women in peri menopause improve their relationship with food and their body

I’ll never forget the day that the way I saw my body changed forever. I spent most of my life disliking certain parts of my body and after my first child was born, one of those parts was massacred with wide purple stretch marks and it was in that moment that I would have given anything to have the body I disliked before back. That was when I realized that it will always be this way. The problem was not my body, the problem was the filter I used to see I my body and my expectations around what it should look like and as long as I kept looking at it that way, I would NEVER be ok with my body.

Not to mention that the way I saw my body also made food much more complicated than it needed to be.

I found a tremendous amount of joy reenter my life when I was able to relax more about both.

Now I use my Masters in Nutrition, my background as a registered dietitian, and my many years of experience working with women to improve their relationship with food and body to help more and more women experience more confidence, well-being and enjoyment of life through my group and one to one coaching programs.

Megan Hadley nutritionist dietitian offers nutrition and body image coaching for women in peri menopause body
My Mission

To help women stress and obsess less about food and what their body looks like so that they can enjoy their life more, be healthy, feel more confident, and make a bigger impact at work and at home. 

My Why

And I believe that when women aren’t having to spend so much time on food and their body and they show up in their lives more confidently, it has a significant impact on the world.

  • They speak up more

  • They go after the promotion

  • They stop hiding themselves

  • They get on the stage

  • They empower because they feel empowered

  • They set other women free

  • They raise kids who have good body image 

And it keeps going. 

And this is why I created a group coaching program, because women have a unique ability to inspire and empower one another. 

And when women inspire one another to expand instead of shrink themselves, the life results are incredible.

I do what I do because I want you to live a life that feels more free and more at peace with your body.

  • I want you to enjoy food, not count it.

  • I want you to connect with the friend across the table and not be distracted by tracking points (calories/carbs etc) in your head.

  • I want you to feel less insecure about your body so you aren’t thinking about it so much when you are trying to enjoy yourself

  • I want the scale to not affect your mood

  • I want movement (exercise) to feel fun 

  • I want you to dream about living in your body, not dream about what your body will look like

  • I want you to feel connected to and confident in the wisdom that your body holds instead of feeling like you can’t trust it.

I want you to enjoy life more, because you are thinking about food and your body less and you find all of it less frustrating.